Community Resources

Parent Committees
The Church of the Epiphany Day School has an active and devoted parent body. We welcome parent involvement and there are many ways for you to become an active participant in your child’s school experience. In addition to visits to the classroom or volunteering at school events, parents can play a larger role in the daily life of the school by joining one or more of our Parent Committees. CEDS Parent Committees are composed of parent, grandparent, or caregiver volunteers who are committed to supporting the school through the donation of their time or resources. Parents, grandparents, and caregivers are invited to participate in the areas where they feel they can contribute most.
Interested in joining?
Contact UsCommunity Service Committee
Every year the school does service work to benefit neighboring organizations. The community service chair, along with the support of the sub-committee, organizes a variety of projects or events which typically involve something the children can directly be a part of.
Library Committee
Responsible for organizing the library books, reshelving books, and general maintenance. The Library Committee also helps run an annual book fair and brainstorms about ways to improve the library so it is best serving our community.
Rooftop Garden Committee
Responsible for planning, planting, caring for, and maintaining the plant-life, materials, and organization of our rooftop garden. Responsibilities include organization of the tools and materials, weeding, planting, harvesting vegetables, sweeping, watering, raking, seasonal preparations and occasional planned activities for the children centered around gardening.
Events Committee
Responsible for organizing both on and off-campus social opportunities for parents and children, working with the teachers to get parents involved in curriculum related projects and participating in annual community events- Halloween Party, CEDS FEST, Family Potlucks, …
Spring Benefit Committee
Responsible for the organization, planning and execution of our annual fundraising event in late April. The Auction Chair heads up this project along with the sub-committee and the administration.
School Resources
Mental Health and Early Childhood
Early Childhood Mental Health
As early experiences shape the architecture of the developing brain, they also lay the foundations of sound mental health.
Learning During Covid
ERP-Recommended Children’s Books Related to COVID-19 Experience
Bank Street College's Emotionally Responsive Practice
Learning During Covid
Handout for Parents on Children’s Reactions to COVID-19 (PDF)
Handout for Parents on Children’s Reactions to COVID-19 (PDF)
Anti-Bias Education
ERP-Recommended Children’s Books Related to Identity, Race, and Social Justice
ERP-Recommended Children’s Books Related to Identity, Race, and Social Justice
Anti-Bias Education
Children Are Not Colorblind Article
There is a myth in popular culture that young children are “colorblind” or don’t notice race. By this logic, children are “blank slates” who cannot develop racial prejudices until they are explicitly taught to do so.
Anti-Bias Education
Difficult Conversations, Anti-bias Curriculum & the CEDS Approach
As children experience and witness life, it is our professional responsibility to help them make sense of their world in an age-appropriate way that keeps them feeling safe, but does not promote ignorance.
Stay up-to-date on the latest happenings at our school and within our community!

New Teacher Feature! Ms. Catherine Acosta
This is Catherine’s second year teaching the 4’s at CEDS and our school is incredibly fortunate to have her! She is a native New Yorker and currently lives in the Kips Bay neighborhood in Manhattan. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree from New York University in Early Childhood Education…

Teacher Feature!! Ms. Angelica Vieira
We are thrilled to have Ms. Angelica return to the CEDS team as an assistant 2’s teacher this school year. Although Angelica has a wide range of experience working with children all her life and is a mother herself, she only recently found her passion for teaching preschoolers….

CEDS Parent Panel Recording December 11th, 2023
Current and alumni parents gathered together for a panel discussion to share their experiences at CEDS and answer burning questions about preschool. Please listen to the recording of this honest and informative event. It will offer a lot of information for prospective families applying to our school!