3s Program
The 3s curriculum provides children with an opportunity to become acquainted with the educational routine and social structure of a classroom. In addition, they explore a variety of cognitive themes in a hands-on environment. All classrooms are equipped with age-appropriate toys, games and manipulatives that encourage the development of physical, social, science, math and literacy skills. Children at this age have begun to elevate their social, fine motor and language skills and enriched cooperative play is beginning to develop. While the teachers ensure that appropriate attention is given to each developmental skill throughout the day, socialization is the cornerstone of our 3s curriculum. Our foremost ambition is to promote the development of loving human beings who possess a mutual respect for themselves and for one another. Through daily meetings, group games/projects and free-choice time, the children learn to share, cooperate, take turns, listen to one another and develop a sense of confidence and independence. Once the children have settled into their school year and are comfortable with their routine and the fellow members of their classroom community, the teachers will begin to pay close attention to the mood and discussion of the student body in order to determine an appropriate path for further investigation. Three year olds tend to view the world in a very self-centered manner. Often times the in-depth explorations in the 3s year tends to focus on the children’s sense of identity and relates directly to their lives. They may explore a number of self-reflecting concepts such as, What does it mean to be me? Who are the members of my family? What do I look like? Where do I go to school? Where do I live? What can I do now that I am three that I couldn’t do when I was one? Throughout the year other interesting subjects are explored as well as the children mature and begin to express interest in broader topics.
3s Schedule and Tuition
3s Programming
Music, art, science, literacy, social development and mathematic principles are all touched upon each day within the classroom. Each day the 3s children have a group meeting where they discuss their classroom calendar, go over the daily schedule, review classroom jobs, discuss upcoming events and share personal anecdotes. This is a time when they focus on building language skills, social skills and basic mathematic foundations. Everyday there is at least one hour of Center Time when the children are encouraged to move independently throughout the classroom learning centers (art, science, literacy, sensory, dramatic play and blocks). Each day the children participate in a creative activity designed to explore the world of music and movement through creative dance, singing songs, dramatic play, and children’s literature. Artistic creative exploration represents another opportunity for children to explore different ways to express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Art materials are available to the children every day and independent creative expression is encouraged. On occasion, the children participate in a weekly guided art experience where they are formally introduced to new materials and tools and given an opportunity to explore their characteristics and uses. Throughout the year, the children will be exposed to such mediums as paint, collage, clay and wood. The ultimate goal is to enjoy the process instead of worrying about the product.
In addition to the organically emerging social curriculum, which occurs on a daily basis throughout all interactions, language and awareness of print and literacy become a focus in the 3s year. The children have a literacy experience every day. They may read stories, listen to them on tape, act them out for one another or even write their own. As the children become more comfortable with sharing ideas and cooperative planning, the implementation of project work will begin. Activities are structured to expand the palate of knowledge and skills of each child using the basis of his/her strengths as a starting point. Finally, each day is complete with at least 30 minutes of gross motor play. This may include a portion of structured games and exercises but primarily consists of un-structured, child-led, free play.
3s Curriculum Overview
Concept & Theme
Activities & Experiences
- Gross Motor: Large muscle development, coordination, and control including arms, legs and torso.
- Climbing/running/jumping
- Balancing
- Hopping
- Dancing
- Building with blocks
- Beginning of cooperative
movement games - Taking turns
- Small Motor: Beginning opportunities to develop dexterity and facility of manipulation of smaller muscle groups including hands and fingers.
- Using table toys and manipulatives (e.g. peg boards, blocks, puzzles,
beads, Legos) - Play dough
- Art materials
- Scissors/cutting
- Cooking
- Water & sand play
- Drawing
- Community
- Developing Self-Control
- Security and safety
- Developing self-
awareness, self-confidence and independence - Relationship of self to group
- Learning a process to solve conflicts
- Working together
- Accepting limits
- Classroom jobs
- Learning group rules
- Learning the schedule
- Working as a group to achieve a goal
- Group discussions about families, friendship and group responsibilities
- Listening and discussing stories
- Circle time
- Making class books
- Free play
- Conflict resolution process
- Singing
- Discussing
- Listening
- Observing and
experimenting with sounds of language
- Circle time/group meeting
- Listening to others
- Giving your opinion
- Awareness of classmates’ names
- Singing and rhyming games
- Poems
- Drawing
- Making class books
- Story dictation and storytime
- Counting
- Size and Shape
- Mathematical Language
- Comparing, Sorting, Ordering
- Taking attendance
- Counting songs
- Graphing
- Legos
- Block area
- Color cubes
- Helping with snack/ one-to-one correspondence
- Cooking
- Life cycles
- Body awareness
- Exploring our natural world
- Exploring light and shadows
- Using our senses
- Mixing colors
- Seasons
- Natural and found object explorations
- Cooking
- Listening
- Following Multiple Step Tasks
- Gross Motor Development
- Appreciation of music
- Waiting your turn
- Sense of body in space
- Running, stretching, etc.
- Fine Motor
- Language of Art
- Tools of Art
- Using brushes and scissors
- Discussing the art projects of peers
- Exploration of different mediums
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